
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Just a Glorious Day, Herbally Speaking!

Starting the Process Over Again, Trimming Back the Oregano From Last Year!
A Perennial Problem With Grass Invading the Thyme!
Very Excited!  The Tarragon is Back!
This 'Hidcote' Looked Dead, But There Are Signs of Life!
The Violets Are Starting to Bloom!
Some of the Kids Were Out for Some Fresh Air!
The Clematis We Thought Was Dead Has Even Come Back!  It's A Miracle!
It Was An Outstanding Day in the 'Burgh!
Just One Bit of Color from the Primula in the Herb Garden!
Honestly my whole energy level has been lifted by our weather.  We are having a string of beautiful days and even cloudy and warm makes me happy!  Today was such a day.  The sun did break through the clouds late in the day so the temperature gave the plants in the gardens another boost of energy!

As you may be able to see we are trimming plants back and in the process seeing life in some that we didn't think would come back.  A little 'Hidcote' lavender is finally showing signs of life.  It was nice to peel back the leaves and see that my tarragon is coming back.  Just a little progress is making me very happy!

We have the usual problems with grass invading the beds and in particular one that has some of my thyme plants.  I think I will just have to dig it up and start over again.  A chance for a new herbal retail experience!  Always a good thing!  Even some of the herbs in containers (better clarify the kids comment) got a breath of fresh air today. 

Spring has really taken hold here and it doesn't look like we are going to just jump into summer like some years.  I think we are just going to have a very lovely spring.  What's coming back in your herb garden?  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Will talk to you later.


  1. I just spent time in my herb garden only to read this post and decide we were doing pretty much the same thing in our gardens, yet separated by many miles. Some things are universal, and gardening is for sure !

    I have been "editing" my herb garden, moving herbs around , and this year I have already begun to re-think my beloved herb garden. I added your blog to my side-bar so I can see what's goin' on with your gardens without a lot of signing in fol-der-rol.

    Have folloowed you for a few years now, but rarely commented. Thank-you for your gardening tips.

  2. Hi Kathy B., So happy to have you stop by my herb garden! I think we always have a chance to edit and if you are finished editing the garden you may have to move! Thanks for adding my blog to your side bar. I will do the same with yours. You have quite the animal crew. Hope you have a great gardening season. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady