
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Herbs in Containers and the Long Vue Acres Garden Club!

Getting All of the Herb Combinations Planted!
A Jam Packed Table!
Packed Up For the Trip Home!
Had to Have a Map to Get Them Back in the Car!
The Herbs Looked Very Good in their Containers!
Yes, I am still blogging!  I just got caught up after my last post in a trip to the national Herb Society meeting in Williamsburg, VA.  Then I came back to temperatures in the high 80's while I was away and the gardens looked completely different.  And I was getting set up for my talk last night to the ladies and gentlemen of the Long Vue Acres Garden Club.  I think they had fun.  It got very happy and loud as I passed around snippets of herbs.

Colleen who is program chairperson won The Bountiful Container book which Maggie Stuckey so graciously autographed and sent to me.  This is a great book because you have two experts on edibles in containers.  It not only has plans of containers but also recipes and information on vegetables, herbs, fruits and edible flowers.

A Wonderful Book If You Are Going to Grow Edibles in Containers!
Just wanted to say again because I think this may have been lost in the discussion.  I used the shallow containers last night to get the most herbs packed in my presentation.  The containers you would have to use would be deeper so the multiple herb combinations could survive through the season.  Hope that is clearer.  I gave them a big handout to read and study.  So everyone has extra homework over the summer!  They were a great group!  I also wanted to mention that they gave me a lovely book called Herbs! Creative Herb Garden Themes and Projects by Judy Lowe.  Can you believe I don't have this one and I am excited to share it with you in some future post!  Thanks again Long Vue Acres Garden Club! 
A Wonderful Thank You Gift From the Club!

I also wanted to give a big shout out to my dear Herbal Husband!  He really helped get me ready and organized so that last night was fun and not stressful.  You are the best! 

So I'm going to work backwards and try to get you caught up in what's been going on in and out of the garden.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. So good to see a post from you dear LVL.

    The pots of herbs look wonderful and I'm sure everyone enjoyed your presentations.

    That book about growing herbs in containers looks like a really good one.

    Happy Herbal gardening to you and your dear HH.


  2. Thanks dear FL. Hope you are surviving in the south. Have to get down to see you soon on your blog that is! Thanks for all of your support! xo

  3. I enjoy seeing pictures of your herb garden. It is beautiful! I find myself squinting to how your plants are you use a certain "companion-planting" method? Whatever you do, it sure is working! Your plants look so healthy! I have been enjoying your blog and look forward each new post! Thank you! bjo

  4. Thanks bjo for your kind words. I really consider myself a plunker and many times if I am out of town, The Herbal Husband makes the decisions for me! Thanks for going on this adventure and maybe companion planting will be a future topic! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady