
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Haven't Had Much Thyme to Blog!

A Bit Overgrown and Wild Herb Garden!
Please forgive for not blogging these days!  It is all I can do to pick raspberries and make jam!  We have old 'Heritage' raspberries and they are producing like crazy.  That usually doesn't happen this early.  We think it is the combination of the cold winter and all of the rain.  I had yesterday in my herb garden by myself and I did get some weeding done and found some impostors trying to take up space.

So hope you understand.  I have had some rot of herbs because of all of the rain and hopefully I can talk about that in a future post.  Back to picking raspberries!  We have one beautiful dry, sunny and not too humid day, so I'm going out to enjoy it!  Talk to you later.  P.S. I am always here to answer your herbal questions if you need it.  And if you are growing garlic and you are starting to get some browning of the leaves, you had better start to dig it up!


  1. We've had some really beautiful days the past few.... Things are starting to POP in the garden finally, I'm busy picking blackberries this week and the tomatoes are starting to come in. I dug my garlic a couple of weeks ago...giant heads this year...just hoping they keep well. I set out some new basil's too. Since the rabbits helped themselves to the first patch :) I'm seriously thinking about a fence around the garden soon.

  2. I am so glad to hear someone has berries this year! We have had nothing but rain until this week- and my raspberries, many of my hostas and several veggies (even planted in raised beds) were so saturated they rotted!

  3. I went to the mountains today to pick wild huckleberries and raspberries. Huckleberries were abundant, raspberries seemed dry and late. I think our lack of rain is effecting their growth. The opposite of your abundance.

    I found you through a google search wanting to learn how to prune my lemon verbena. Carol above is a blog friend, how fun to find her here.

  4. So glad you finally put up a post....I was getting worried about you!

  5. Thanks to all of you for commenting and coming by. Have been wildly erratic this summer. It has been a strange year. Hope to post a bit more often soon.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady