
Friday, August 7, 2015

Celebrating Seven Years of Blogging!

An Herbal Bouquet for You!
This year of blogging has flown by without not too much writing from me!  My blogging experiment started because of the Reppert sisters blog, Rosemary's Sampler.  They are still going strong and always an inspiration!  Hopefully in year eight I will be a bit more verbose!  Blogging from different devices from my laptop has proved a challenge.  So I will limp along into the next year and hopefully be able to improve those skills.  Thought I should do a giveaway of some kind to celebrate.  What do you think?

The weather is getting hotter again.  The plants are in need of water after the first half of the year was too wet.  It has been a challenge.  Will think of something good to giveaway and I will be back next week with the details.  Enjoy your weekend.  Talk to you later.


  1. Congrats on your 7 years of blogging dear LVL.

    It's hot and oh so humid down here. We had quite a bit of rain the last couple of weeks, now I have to hand water just about every day things that are in pots. I'm really ready for cooler temps.

    Have a GREAT weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks dear FL for all of your support! We could use a bit of rain, but it has been an interesting year! Have a great weekend too! xo

  3. That bouquet is lovely! I think that's what I miss most about not having a garden, flowers. I try not to let my herbs flower

  4. Congratulations! Such a gorgeous herbal bouquet in celebration of this milestone.

  5. Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! Beautiful herb bouquet!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady