
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Garden in the Parks at North Park with the Penn State Master Gardeners!

The Monument Area Where the Herbs Are Planted

The Herbs in the Raised Bed Are Doing Great!
Had to Get My Photo with the Beautiful Herbs!
Another Shot of the Thymes and Sages!
Different Varieties of Basil
The Herbal Husband Matches These Flower Beds!
Had to Get a Selfie with The Herbal Husband!
Well, fortunately I remembered to go over to the Garden in the Parks field day at North Park.  It is a yearly event where the public gets to come to the demonstration gardens and see all of the work that the master gardeners do in the gardens.  They get to try various types of garlic, tomatoes and basils.  They sample delicious cookies and ice cream from the Creamery at Penn State.  There are also various conservation and plant groups represented.  This is really a pollinator garden and there are butterflies, hummingbird moths, bees and other insects hanging out everywhere.  It was another hot but sunny day.  Here are some of annual beds of flowers.
The 'Golden Delicious' Pineapple Sage is Doing Very Well!
All of These Annuals Are Donated by Local Nurseries
The Zinnias Are Doing Well!
The Taller Varieties of Zinnias Were Doing Well Too!
All Those Blue Flags Means This Rudbeckia Was Popular with the Public
One of My Favorite Tender Sages called 'Black and Blue'
A Bee Enjoying A Celosia called 'Ruby Parfait'

A Hummingbird Moth Enjoying the Zinnias
I thought I had taken some of the booths with the basil, garlic and tomato tastings, but sadly I got photos of my shorts somehow!  Well, anyway, they had Gardenline folks answering people's gardening questions and they had tours of the flowers beds and herb garden with a bunch of tastings of herbal drinks and delights  It is a lot of work.  The Penn State Master Gardeners of Allegheny County did a great job!  The Herbal Husband said to me I always enjoy coming on this day.  Thanks for remembering!

We came home to find several different butterflies and bees on the white butterfly bush in the front garden.
Our Swallowtail
I'm Thinking This is a Fritillary?
And A Bumble Bee!
Well, I have been told that raspberries may have made a return to the back garden.  So I need to suit up and take a walk to the back.  The ickies and stickies are back for us.  Hope you are have a great weekend.  I will talk to you again soon.  Need to catch you up on what's been going on in the herb garden! 


  1. Awesome! Thanks for the tour at North Park. Love your hats!! and I can't wait to see how your herb garden is coming along with all this heat....

  2. Beautiful post! This looks like it was an uplifting experience for you - good for the heart and soul! I loved the selfie of the two of you! Makes me smile. Hugs!

  3. Thanks Anonymous and Rosemary for your comments and support!


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Lemon Verbena Lady