
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Shades of Gray, Herbally Speaking!

I love herbs so much because of all the wonderful textures and colors, especially the grays.  Seems like not too long ago that we transplanted one of the herbal containers I used in my May talk.  It looks like it has adapted.  The 'Berggarten' sage and the 'Hi Ho Silver' thyme should both make it through the winter.  Depending on how severe our winter is the dwarf curry may make it also.
This is the last warm day we will have for awhile.  Flurries over the weekend.  Need to go and work getting the garden put to bed.  I will talk to you later.


  1. Those silver colors are wonderful!

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving ~ FlowerLady

  2. It has done well and I was afraid it was going to die with the cold, but it hasn't been that cold consistently yet! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady