
Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Still Blooming and Green in the Herb Garden!

This is my second attempt at this post.  Just trying to see if it works with multiple photos.  I maybe a bit greedy.  We will see.   'Walker's Low' catmint is the first photo, the dianthus 'Frosty Fire' is blooming in the second photo and the coconut scented geranium is happily spreading joy in the fall herb garden in the third photo.  It will probably reseed itself for next year.
The weather was gloomy this morning and the sun has come out this afternoon.   Makes it more cheery.  Hopefully you are having a wonderful day wherever you are.  Talk to you later.
'Walker's Low' Catmint
'Frosty Fire' Dianthus
Coconut Scented Geranium at Home!


  1. Hi! Your herbs look so nice and healthy! I think they really enjoy this warm fall. My herbs are pretty much all 'put to bed' here in NH, although I did snip some chives the other day! Have a Good day! Bev

  2. Thanks Bev! Sorry to be so late responding to you! Time is just flying by! We are getting warm here again! Chives the foundation for any herb garden! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady