
Friday, December 4, 2015

Celebrating the 2015 Herb of the Year-Savories-Part Seven!

Summer Savory was By Far Best in the Herb Garden!
Summer or Winter?  Well, probably you will say summer right away!  If I added Summer Savory or Winter Savory, for me in the herb garden this year summer savory ruled!  I had summer savory reseed in my main garden and I had a plant in a container for my May class and two additional plants on the hillside.  They all did well.  Winter savory on the other hand struggled.   I do have two surviving winter savories and they are in containers.  If I hadn't done that and had placed them in the ground, I don't think I would have had any winter savory this year.  The one that went in the ground did well for the first half of the season and then became toast in the end.  Ironically in every book I have read it says savory needs excellent drainage and on the hillside, it has that, but it didn't have enough I guess. 
Winter Savory in Bloom in a Container!
So did you enjoy growing one of the savories this year?  Please let me know with your comments how your savories were. 

We finally have some sunshine today and it will be back to the 50's over the weekend.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  This posting every day is getting to be better than expected.  Hope you are enjoying it too!  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. I'm loving your daily posts! I have been searching through your archives and having a blast with all the information! Whew...I have so much to learn!!
    I have a winter savory that struggled this year I think because the lemon thyme was creeping to close. I need to be braver about using savory in the kitchen.

  2. Yes, Bev, winter savory for me has been a challenge. I think putting it in containers has worked the best! I need to publish some more posts that have recipes that I have tried for the savories. Glad you are enjoying reading old posts. I need to come up with a system that you can find posts easier. Will try to work on that in my spare time.:) Thanks for stopping by and commenting! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady