
Monday, December 14, 2015

My 2015 England Adventure at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden!

One of My New Favorite Gardens in England!
The Scented Garden!
A Collection of Rosemarys!
A Collection of Lavenders!
The Dry Garden Looks Lush!
The Glasshouses Were Full of Interesting Plants!
Loved The Schools' Garden!
These Mosaic Tiles Were Fun!
Had to Have an Herb Garden!
Learning About Compost
Nasturtiums are a Must in an Edible Garden!
An Outdoor Classroom!
An Aspiring Young Gardener!
A View of the Scented Garden!
Had to Get a Shot of the Heliotrope, a Peruvian Native!
Beautiful Roses Still in Bloom!
The Sign for Creeping Savory!
Looks A Lot Like Winter Savory Only Creeping!
Savory Flowers!
And a Happy Bunch of Salvia!
I found that I had so many photos of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden that I loved that I split up my post on Cambridge into two.  Tomorrow will be some photos of Cambridge and my afternoon tea at Harriet's Cafe Tearooms. 

My favorite part of the garden was the Scented Garden a/k/a the Herb Garden.  Duh!  It felt like you were getting a big hug walking down (It was on just a bit of an incline or slightly sunken in.) into the garden and you were being embraced by the herbs.  They also have two collections of rosemarys and lavenders.  Very interesting to see all of the varieties side by side. The Cambridge University Botanic Garden not only has the Scented Garden, but there is a dry garden that because of the plants they used looks very lush.  The glasshouses were full of exotic and interesting plants.

The garden has a very complete schools garden which is tended by the staff but also the children come after school have various classes on gardening.  It was a beautiful edible garden.  Click on the link above to get an overview of all that the garden has to offer.  It is a lot more than what I just mentioned.  The Scented Garden called me back after a bit of lunch and I sat on the bench in the garden and enjoyed the people strolling by and the scent of all of the herbs.  Was excited to see the creeping savory.  People always say to me why go to England in September or October?  The herbs are still beautiful and fully grown!  And the weather was beautiful!  Can't go wrong with that combination!

It is gloomy and raining here in the herb garden and still mild, but snow may be in the forecast for Friday!  More seasonal weather!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. I would love the scented/herb garden too. All of those luscious smells. Aaaaahhhhh! What a really wonderful place you were able to visit.

    Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. What a wonderful trip and the photos are delightful! That would be the ultimate thrill!

  3. Thanks dear FL and Bernideen for stopping by! Yes, it was a wonderful stop on my trip and I really enjoyed the day. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady