
Saturday, December 19, 2015

My 2015 England Adventure at the Chelsea Physic Garden and The Bard!

One of My Very Favorite Gardens in London!
The Wonderful Entrance Beckoning You to Come In!
A Look Through the Gate Into the Garden!
One of the Unusual Lavenders in Bloom!
One of My Favorite Rooms in the Glasshouses, the Pelargoniums!
They Were Very Happy This Day!
Really Doesn't Look Like a Garden in the City!
Remember It is an Apothecary Garden!
Lovely Vistas Everywhere You Look!
Even Some Roses Were Still In Bloom!
My Favorites, Nasturtiums Love the Weather!
A Bee Enjoying a Cosmos Flower!
Walking Across the Millennium Bridge to the Globe Theatre!
Sunset on the Bridge!
A Closeup of the Globe Theatre!
My Seat from On High!
The Stage Was Massive at Ground Level!
The weather continued to be extraordinary into October in London.  I only had had a bit of rain the day I arrived and I napped through that.  Eight days of perfect weather and this day was no different.  I had planned to go to the Chelsea Physic Garden during the day and to see my first Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre that night.

Really the Chelsea Physic Garden is one of my favorites and if I needed to, I could walk to this garden every day.  It is that close to my hotel.  It is not huge, but it was started as a garden to train apprentices in identifying plants.  Because it is near the Thames it was a warmer microclimate for some very tender plants to flourish like a fruit bearing olive tree.  It is one of Europe's oldest botanic gardens.  Click the link to get a broader understanding of the importance of this garden.

In the evening I went to my first Shakespearean play, Measure for Measure at the Globe Theatre.  I am doing a talk about Shakespeare's herbs and flowers for a local library here and I knew that going over to London for this trip.  It was a beautiful night to walk across the Thames, albeit cold!  It was a last minute decision.  Hence, my nosebleed seat and it was cold, because the main stage is an open air theater.  They do rent blankets and seats cushions so you are a bit more comfortable.  It was wonderful, but I will spend a bit more dosh and sit closer to the action next time.  Don't really want to stand for two plus hours as a groundling for five pounds.  I do want a bit of comfort.  All in all it was another great day in my favorite city, London.

Well, winter has come even if briefly.  The wind is howling.  We had just a dusting of snow overnight and into this morning.  The thing is the cold!  It is biting!  Hope you are having a great day getting ready for Christmas.  I will talk to you tomorrow! 


  1. Nice! Thank you for sharing another glimpse of London. The garden is awesome, of course, but the pics of the skyline, bridge, river, and especially theater are so interesting. I may not have the opportunity to travel to London, but if I ever do, I will know a few places I should put on my itinerary! (Thanks to your blog!) We had a dusting of snow last night! It looks so pretty!

  2. Hi Bev, Glad you are liking my London posts. It is a great city and so easy to get around. Wish we could get your dusting spread around here! I'm sure we will just have green this Christmas. Christmas eve will almost be 70 degrees here! Merry Christmas to you and your family! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady