
Thursday, December 10, 2015

My 2015 England Adventure at the Garden Museum and Afternoon Tea at the Cellarium at Westminster Abbey!

The Garden Museum near Lambeth Palace
Lovely Flower Borders
The Iconic Knot Garden
The Gallery Space of the Museum Inside the Church
One of the Main Old Stained Glass Windows Preserved
Dean's Yard near Westminster Abbey
Boxes Full of Herbs in the Yard
Lots of Green Space, but a Container Garden Instead
A School Kitchen Had Herbs in Fence Boxes
The Herbs Looked Happy!
Always Busy Westminster Abbey
Tea Tray at the Cellarium
Two Raisin Scones with Strawberry Jam and Clotted Cream
A Salmon sandwich, a ham and cheese sandwich and a blue cheese quiche
A Victoria sponge, a clementine, a nutty brownie and a fruit cake for dessert
So when I am in England I try to space out my train travel inter-country to give me a little time to recoup.  So after my big weekend in Bristol, I went to one of my favorite gardening haunts in London, The Garden Museum.  I just had glorious fall weather in London and this day was no exception.  My favorite part of The Garden Museum is their knot garden.  It is iconic and sadly it is going to be replaced by a real cafe and sitting area.  Click the link to see what is going to take place over the next 15 months while the Museum is closed.  It will be a much more modern space.  You see this museum has a reputation for serving delicious vegetarian lunches and they have been doing it in a kitchen that is at the breaking point.  And while the knot garden was something very special, money becomes the bottom line when you need to maintain and keep up on maintenance.  I did have a delicious squash soup and a big chunk of bread and butter for lunch because I knew I would have goodies for afternoon tea later.  So when I go back to England in May next year, the Museum will still be closed so I look forward to seeing the new museum in 2017.

The Reppert sisters, Nancy and Susanna of Rosemary's Sampler traveled to London just before I did this year and they scouted out some new places for tea.  One of them was the Cellarium Restaurant in Westminster Abbey.  I walked around Dean's Yard adjacent to the Abbey and found all kinds of wonderful boxes full of herbs and flowers.  Easily accessible without going into the Abbey, I decided to try it because it didn't break the afternoon tea budget.  I didn't get a photo of the restaurant but it is very modern with some communal tables, but laid back not too fancy.  Tea was on china plates and cups!  There was enough food that I didn't need dinner which is always good.  The scones and the desserts were my favorite parts and yes, I did have a bit of chocolate.  The sandwiches were on the light side and described as two salmon sandwiches (I am still thinking one was ham and cheese), but the little quiche was quite good.  Overall I would have tea there again.  Next stop on my 2015 England Adventure is Wisley Gardens.  Don't miss it!

It is extra mild here.  Not winter like at all!  Will be a shock when we finally do have winter weather.  I actually have a calendula plant that has multiple blossoms, but they may have been frozen in time and may not bloom.  We will see.  Supposed to be in the 60's over the weekend.  Have my fingers crossed.  Hope you are having a great day.  I will talk to you tomorrow!  


  1. So happy to hear you enjoyed AFternoon Tea at the Cellarium. Nicely affordable and equally enjoyable! P.S. Santa delivered a package to my door this morning - love surprises! Thank you, dear friend!

  2. Enjoyed this post Nancy. Nice to see beautiful old England and some of the gardens. The Cellarium treats looked delicious!

    I hope the place still has it's old world charm after the work that will be going on. It sounds like it is needed though.

    Happy Christmas holidays ~ FlowerLady

  3. Yes, I was pleased with the tea and sat with an interesting couple as well. Glad the box arrived safely. Think you will enjoy the new flavors! xo

    Well, I am glad you are enjoying my trip, FL. Yes hopefully the changes to the museum won't be too drastic! Thanks as always for your comments. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady