
Thursday, December 24, 2015

My 2015 England Adventure to the Victoria & Albert Museum!

What Do These Buildings Make Up?
A Medieval Fabric
Examples of Stained Glass
An Interesting Face
A Beautiful Tapestry
Handwritten Book
Another Beautiful Tapestry!
And Another Tapestry!
A Brass Marker
Some of Their Miniature Portraits!
The Reference Library
Just One More Raisin Scone and Earl Grey Tea!
My last full day in London was spent at the Victoria & Albert Museum or as it is affectionately called The V & A.  I really wanted to see the collections of embroidery and stitching and textiles from many ages.  I didn't do enough research to discover that they have opened The Clothworkers' Centre for the Study and Conservation of Textiles and Fashion in Blythe House.  You can also search their vast collections online and that maybe what I will do some snowy winter's day!  So instead of textiles I turned my attention to their Medieval collections and other items.  You get a bit of a taste of what I saw!  Of course there was one more scone and tea just for me!  My last day was filled with travel nightmares.  I started at 8 AM at Heathrow and ended at my house at 11:45 PM which was actually 4:45 AM London time!  It was a very long day, but I had a fabulous trip.  I am a very lucky and blessed lemon verbena lady!  Hope you enjoyed my adventures.  More to come in 2016!

Well, I will let you see what that top photograph really was tomorrow!  It will be Christmas day!  I hope you are having a wonderful day with family and friends.  We will be with our friends, the Devereauxs for Christmas.  Even though it is Christmas, I will be posting a brief post tomorrow!  Continues to be a California Christmas here as our neighbor said.  Safe travels for everyone!  Will talk to you tomorrow. 


  1. Thank you LVL for sharing so many adventures with us here in blogland. They are like mini vacations without leaving home.

    Have a lovely Christmas ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks dear FL! Glad you are enjoying my travels! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady