
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Rumor Has It, Herbally Speaking!

The Salad Burnet Is Being Eaten!
The Herbal Husband came in from the herb garden last night and said "I have bad news.  (With a Spanish accent.)  The salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor) is being chewed by something."  I said "What, deer?  It doesn't seem likely."  Well, in our case it could be so many things.  We do have a skunk now which might like the cucumber flavor and be rooting around for insects at the same time.  And our neighbor has seen it in her yard and says she is going to call the Township to trap it and removed it!  Good luck with that!  The deer are more likely to pull the plant out of the ground while chopping it.  If the stems are cut at a 45 degree angle, it would be rabbits.  Pill bugs can have voracious appetites as well, but they choose young seedlings or young plants to eat, but the continuing warm weather may make them hunger for cucumbers!  The Herbal Husband is clipping stems for our salads almost every night.  So it might be good news instead and we are still enjoying the herbs in our early winter herb garden!  I will let you know what happens.  The one thing I love about salad burnet is that it stays green throughout the cold weather. We might have to put a camera up to see who is merrily clipping away in the herb garden!  Please stay tuned!

We are having rain at the moment and the temperatures are rising.  A cold front is on the way and we will be finally cold and maybe snowy.  Can't believe it is four days from the end of the year!!  What!!  It will be a potpourri of posts to the end!  Talk to you tomorrow! 

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Lemon Verbena Lady