
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Staying Alive in the Herb Garden!

Salad Burnet with Frost!
Can't Believe I Still Have Fresh Tarragon!
Horehound Straggly But Still Alive!
This Calendula Still Has Buds to Bloom!
Pineapple Mint Still Going Strong and Now in My Lawn!
Will the Birds Eat My Beautyberries This Year?
Was walking around the herb garden and back garden yesterday.  It was cold enough to have frost, but here in the herb garden there are still definite signs of life in the herbs.  Some lose their flavor like the salad burnet.  It becomes herbal eye candy.  Others like chives hold their flavor for a long while.  Always surprised to see what has made it so far although we have not had winter yet in the 'Burgh!  We haven't even had measurable snow yet!  So it isn't surprising that these herbs have clung to life in the garden.  I am going to track if the birds and specifically the cardinals (I have heard) love the beautyberries.  Hopefully they will enjoy them over the winter season.  The purple berries make such a beautiful statement to the brown of the garden.

I hope you are having a wonderful day getting ready for the holiday season with your friends and family.  Let me know what's still around in your herb gardens.  A foggy and frosty day again here.  Going into the 50's.  Not very Christmas like around here.  Getting closer to the drawing for my jam and herbal jelly giveaway.  There is still time to enter at the link on my home page or click the link to the left.  Winners will be drawn from my blog and Facebook.  One entry per person please.  I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Usually in December our ground is solid from the frost and we have a snow cover, sometimes quite deep....but this year, well...we may be having a brown Christmas in the Northeast. All this talk of a El Nino weather pattern is coming true. Anyway, because of the mild weather, my forsythia is blooming! Hmmm, I wonder if other bushes and trees are budding. I think I shall have to go for a walk tomorrow to find out!

  2. Hi Bev, I would be surprised if we had a winter Christmas. Yes, you will start to see confusion and blooming if we don't get a cold snap! The garden is very muddy in the back. Hope it doesn't leave some of the insect pests to thrive next year! Thanks for coming by and commenting. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady