
Monday, December 21, 2015

The First Day of a Green Winter?

'Blue Boa' Agastache is Doing Well!
A Calendula Blossom Frozen in Time!
This Agastache I Usually Kill!
Pineapple Mint is Still Going Strong!
Got to Move This Golden Feverfew!  Next Year!
This Gray Herb Container Has Done Well!  Even the Curry Plant is Alive!
Looks Like Spring Not Winter!
Well, I was outside poking around the herb garden this morning and was surprised by what I found!  A majority of plants are still green!  If this warmer weather would continue, I am sure that we would start seeing new buds and leaves growing again.  It is going to be in the 60's close to 70 on Christmas Eve!  So do you have snow cover in your herb garden yet?  It is an insulator for those very cold temperatures we are maybe going to get.  It may be an interesting year where I can get one lemon verbena to come back in the herb garden!  Fingers crossed!

Thought you should see what's going on the herb garden.  I'll get back to finishing my England trip tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great day!  Can't believe Christmas is at the end of the week!  I'll talk to you tomorrow. 


  1. We have so much green here that I am seriously thinking of harvesting more Chocolate mint :) If I get all of the holiday stuff don't before it freezes I will ♥ HAVE A MERRY HERBAL CHRISTMAS!!!

  2. Hi Carol, I just am enjoying this mild weather before we get cold weather and it will come sooner than later! A Very Merry Herbal Christmas to you and your family! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady