
Sunday, June 5, 2016

I Got on a Double Decker and Almost Didn't Come Home!

Big Ben in View from the Top!
Well, I guess you have guessed where I have been.  Some of my blogging friends have guessed.  I had to get away to the Chelsea Flower Show because my dear herbal friend, Jekka had her first show garden.  It had her name all over it and won a Silver Gilt Metal!  I gave her a card that said Kick Ass on the outside and I said on the inside Oh, wait, you already have kicked ass!  She was very pleased with the outcome and I will share my photos of the show in a later post.  I spent an afternoon at Sissinghurst in the rain!  I took a class on digestive issues and herbs at the Chelsea Physic Garden.  Went to the Cambridge Botanic Garden and Oxford's as well.  I also got to spend a tiny bit of time with my English herbal companion, Gloria.  Always a joy to be with her.  But it is just a joy to be able to spend time in my beloved England.  I was celebrating the 50th (yes, 50th) anniversary of my first visit to England.  I remember sitting next to an English man on the plane over who taught me all about the different coins of currency.  I loved his accent.  And I will never forget pushing the bell for the butler at the Grosvenor House Hotel and ordering breakfast.  I was a lucky girl then and I am a lucky woman now.  Thank you to The Herbal Husband for tolerating my absence.

With apologies for not writing a lot lately, I am back and not a moment too soon!  We have not had the rain as Texas may have had, but my goodness, the herb garden is a crazy wild blooming mass of plants!  I almost missed its flamboyance, herbally speaking!  As you can see by the back gardens, I have lots of weeding to do, but the English are making more space into wilderness!  Maybe I can go with that story!  Once things are weeded, I really want to go with plants that will bring as many beneficials as possible.  So I have a bit of work to do and I promise that I will sprinkle my English adventures into the mix.  Speaking of rain, we are still getting showers here.  It is soggy and some herbs are tolerating it and others not so much.  Maybe that's what I will discuss next time.  Talk to you later.

The English Are Doing More Wilderness Areas!


  1. It's been a long time since I visited England and I look forward to seeing it through your eyes!

  2. You seem to have the best time when in England!! Good for you! I would love to hear more about the herbs you learned about for digestive issues ...(maybe a topic for a future post?) I have been doing a lot of weeding as well, but that is OK, because I waited all winter to do just this!! Ha Ha!

  3. Welcome home! Very jealous of your 50 journeys across the pond! This one sounded fantastic - hope it included tea, too! And love the idea of wilderness areas!

  4. Hi Linda, I need to get going talking about England, but I may talk about my eastern PA trip first. So please stay tuned!

    Hi Bev, I do have too good a time in England. I will promise to talk about my digestive class at Chelsea. It was very interesting. The weeding continues, but England made me feel a bit better about how our gardens are a bit on the wild side!

    No Rosemary only 16 trips in 50 years! I would be very exhausted if it were 50!

    Thanks ladies for your comments!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady