
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Celebrating the 2016 Herb of the Year-Capsicum! A Pepper Plant Coming Back From the Dead!

The Pepper Plant Comes Back From the Dead!
I am always amazed by The Herbal Husband's green thumb!  Remember I am the editor in plants and he is the secretary of saving every plant good or not so good.  So when he just left a seemingly dead pepper plant in its container over the winter, I said maybe that should just go on the compost pile.  He, of course, said it will.  It didn't, it has come back to life and it is starting to bloom AND will make fruit!  So there will be sweet peppers later this year.  I guess it sowed some of its seeds on its own.  He never ceases to amaze me, herbally speaking.  He is the magic man with an accent!  Here is a link to our favorite stuffed pepper recipe.  Even though I can't have too much tomato sauce anymore, these are really tasty, very easy to make and do freeze very easily.
The IHA Book of Capsicum, the 2016 Herb of the Year
I also want to mention that the International Herb Association who designates what herb will be the herb of the year each year was written a new book on Capsicum.  So I will do some speed reading and have some more to say about the 2016 Herb of the Year shortly.  I didn't even get to say everything I wanted to say about the 2015 Herb of the Year, Savory! Lots to say from my seat in the dining room!  It is like a furnace outside.  We get a slight break tomorrow and for a day over the weekend.  Will be doing A LOT of planting and moving around on Saturday!  Hope you had a great day!  I am behind on replying to your comments.  I will get to those shortly.  Spent the morning with my buddy, Composer in the Garden, Lynn Purse and my traveling companion, Bonnie.  We had a fun time reconnecting.  Not as cloudy a day as I had hoped, but I think I have some different views to show you!  Stay cool if you can.  Will talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Glad to see the paper plant responded to his loving care ♥ My peppers aren't doing so well this year so will be giving them some care this weekend to see if I can help them along. I do have Chile Peppers though will be ready soon but the sweets are lagging behind.

  2. Well, his pepper plant is starting to get flowers. The very hot weather will not help those later this week. I think chile peppers are a bit quicker to set fruit! Thanks as always for stopping by and commenting! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady