
Sunday, July 17, 2016

More Plants Planted and Raspberry Jam!

The Sunflowers and Elecampane Are Planted!
We got a few more plants in the ground today.  Some sunflowers that The Herbal Husband grew from seed and an elecampane I got from Bonnie!  We also got the fencing back around the bed for some protection.  Although the deer have been browsing the goldenrod and some raspberry leaves, they have been leaving poop more than damage.  I picked more raspberries and I set up more jam.  Thirty six jars will be done tomorrow.  So that is nine batches of four jars each!  It has been a great early season.  Not always the case.  Hope you had a great day.  It was hot but not too humid.  Will get photos with my posts hopefully tomorrow!  Talk to you then.


  1. I know your raspberry jam will be delicious! You are such an industrious herbal lady.

    Have a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  2. My mouth waters every time you mention the raspberries :) I'm still busy picking the invasion of tomato worms that have stormed my veggie garden :(

  3. Thanks dear FL. This is the fun part for me. I am glad to still be able to do it! You have a wonderful week too! xo

    We discussed this on Facebook, but I will say for others who may not be on Facebook, that if you are willing wait, there is a parasitic wasp that lays their eggs on the tomato hornworm and your alternative solution was to give them to your son's lizard. That work's too! You have kept me busy with your comments, but I cherish each and every one of them! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady