
Monday, July 4, 2016

Moving Day in the Herb Garden!

A Fourth of July Tradition!  Blueberry Muffins!
Happy 4th of July to my readers in the United States!  Hopefully you will have a safe and happy time today!  We had our traditional blueberry muffins for breakfast!  The Herbal Husband and I had another great cloudy day to move some chives out of my main herb garden.  I think they will thrive along with an extra lovage that we love to cook with.  Have a few more plants to fit in and I will just have to keep everything weeded.
Lovage Right Between Two Chives!
My red bee balm is in full bloom in time for the 4th!  Just love the flowers and leaves.  Maybe will do a longer post soon.
The Bee Balm Has Taken Its Own Path in the Garden!
Rain has started here in the 'Burgh.  Hopefully it won't dampen the fireworks tonight!  Hope you have had a great holiday.  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. Oh, I love lovage too! I dry some for winter use--and add it to just about everything! I need to create more plants. What is the best time of year to divide a plant like this?

  2. Hi Bev, You should be dividing your lovage in spring. Glad yours gets big enough to divide! A little jealous! Hope you had a fabulous 4th! xo

  3. My Bee Balm has exploded ! I have it hanging everywhere to dry and there is still tons of it out there. I love working with cause it smells so GOOD ♥

  4. Oh, I forgot how much I love my bee balm too, Carol! I started pulling the petals off the heads of the flowers and drying and the petals are regenerated! I need to do a post on it because it is just so miraculous! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady