
Monday, September 19, 2016

A Break Is In Order!

Thought posting once a week would work.  Now that is even not appealing.  So I am going to take a break of unspecified length.  Don't worry, nothing is wrong just would like to do things without thinking about it as a blog post.  I also am getting back into my needlework and would just like to work on it.  No, not going to start a Needlework blog.  At this writing I have almost 100 jars of raspberry jam made and not much else done in the herb garden.  Soo I hope to get back to writing some day.  I will talk to you later.  Take care.


  1. New reader but will miss your posts. Enjoy your time away from blogging! Nancy

  2. Enjoy your downtime! You are in my blog feed, so I guess I will notice when you start writing again. I look forward to that, but can totally understand wanting to just live real life! Best wishes!

  3. Everyone needs a break now ans then :)

  4. Sad but can't blame you . I have read you and I have learned a lot from you.
    You take care and enjoy your down time.
    See ya
    In Tn


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Lemon Verbena Lady