
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Sunny Snowy Herb Garden and Why Snow is Important!

A Beautiful Day in the Herb Garden!
As I have mentioned lots of times the 'Burgh is a pretty gray place in the winter.  This is the second really blue sky day we have had since cold temperatures have set in.  I really love snow in the winter for the insulation factor it gives the herb garden.  For when we have cold winds which will come maybe as soon as tomorrow, the snow covers the plants and protects them from those winds.

We have put an additional special covering on the lemon verbena that is in the ground this year.  I hope that it insulates the plant enough that it will come back in the spring.  We shall see!  Going to be working on some decorative wreaths with old potpourri and spices.  The recipes if you can't wait are on the right hand side at the top of the column.  I just love Marge Clark and her Christmas book is one of my favorites.

Lots of Great Menus for Various Holiday Meals and Crafts!
So hope you are having a great day.  Stay warm if you are going to be in the northern half of the U.S. starting tomorrow!  It is going to be nippy the next few days!  Talk to you tomorrow!


  1. We don't have any snow yet but I have gone with the extra effort of mulching some of my more tender plants this year. The old school hydrangea that came from my grandmothers garden in Kentucky ( over 30 years ago) which only blooms on the old stems so I only get blooms when the winters are extremely mild here, the new hydrangeas I planted early fall and the rose bush which is only a season old. Lots of composted straw and shredded leaves piled into a chicken wire ring around the plants. Well see if the extra work helped this year. :

  2. Hi Carol, I am sure it will. I love hydrangeas, but I don't even know when to prune them! It is wonderful to have pass along plants especially from your grandmother! Very special. Thanks for sharing! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady