
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Will Try This Again, Herbally Speaking!

Lovage is Popping Its Leaves Up!
Don't Forget to Leave The Dandelion Flowers for the Bees!
Angelica is Quite Perky on a Sunny Day!
Square Eleven Done!  One More to Go!
Seems like a while since I have been by.  The weather has continued to be up and down.  We finally have daffodils blooming.  Some of the bushes and trees that had started to leaf out will have to start again.  We covered a lot of plants with ornamental grass clippings.  Will probably have to pull more grasses than normal this year because of seeds growing.  We have gotten out in the front garden and clip things down and took out a redbud that had died.  It was right by the walk and I don't want anything to happen to the mailman or delivery people!  We had one car stop while we were working and tell us how much she loved our garden!  That really means a lot!  Thanks to her!

So the lovage is up in the main herb garden.  We had planted one in the back gardens and I don't see signs of it.  The angelica is up and looking very happy.  Hope the building of the new arbor doesn't hurt their leaves!  We looked for signs that the lemon verbena has come back that we left in the ground.  No signs of life yet.  And please, please don't take out all of your dandelions.  Leave some flowers for the bees.  It is one of the first flowers of the season for them.

Been very intently trying to finish this cross-stitch throw.  Coral bells is square eleven as you can see in the photo.  I am working on the twelfth and final square.  Hoping to get it done by Friday.  We shall see.  There is still a chill in the air here.  So we will move with baby steps to get covers off.  Hope you are having a fabulous day wherever you may be.  Still have so much to say and hopefully will get back on track soon!  Talk to you later!


  1. We are a bit ahead of you weather wise but I'm still taking baby steps to Un over things. Did uncover the rose bush because it had leafed out above the straw .Looks a bit weird now with long stems with no leaves and then a bunch on the ends 😆

  2. Good to hear from you and that all is well there in the burg!

    Happy Spring to you two ~ FlowerLady


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady