
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Not Quite My Herb Garden Anymore!

When we planned our 30 year celebration earlier this year, I knew that the herb garden was not going to be tended for over three weeks.  I had to let the garden go and just hope we got enough rain and sun.

On the other hand, The Herbal Husband does a lot of the planting for me.    And he has decided to move plants in that I would not have ordinarily planted.  Other plants are volunteers.  Looking at the garden this morning, I was sort of depressed.  I just can't embrace it as my garden anymore.  I think it might need a Bobcat!  A new blog called The Herbal Husband's Herb Garden maybe?


  1. Go out in the garden and just pick some herbs and inhale, taste, make something with the herbs you just picked, it should come back with a smile or two. Hang tight. My herbs are not neat but I could not care less. Figure it out next year.

  2. I agree with the 'plow it under' plan! I am 'revitalizing' my garden beds around the house and yard, too. It is a good feeling and I am aiming for more and better herbs! I say "Go for it!!" and "Good Luck"!
    Bev in NH


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady