
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Some Flowers Do Bloom Longer!

This is the little sunflower that The Herbal Husband had to protect the other night from frost.  It is starting to bloom and we are having Indian summer so it will continue and hopefully give some seeds for the finches.

These flowers have become a perennial, but only because they are an annual that self-sows.  It is the calendula or poor man's saffron.  It didn't give the saffron taste, but the color only.  They have really pulled through in our garden when there have been gaps of color or bloom!

This last flower is a true perennial and a standout or up in our front garden.  I talked about this flower last year.  Here is that post.  It is a real work horse.  It is a Rubeckia herbstsonne and gets to 8 to 10 feet in a good year.  It is still blooming so it must be a good year to a certain extent. Hope you all noticed that these are all yellow flowers.  Still sunny in this garden even on a cloudy day!  Hope you are enjoying blooming flowers in your garden!


  1. Yes. We've not yet had a severe frost and the passion flower on the front of our garage is still flowering; lots of buds then a few flower . . .


  2. Hi Alan, You are so lucky having a passion flower! I think they are just so interesting! I bought one a few years ago and probably didn't site it correctly and it passed on to the great passion flower heaven in the sky! Thanks for stopping by. Nancy

  3. Don't stop trying to grow Passion Flower! We planted it in several different locations over several different years to no success... until finally, one year, to our surprise, it popped up in a totally different spot! It has been growing with passion ever since! Next time you're in the area Nancy, we'd be happy to give you a cutting.

  4. I would love a cutting, Nancy! Who knows it may turn up in our garden when we least expect it! Thanks.


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Lemon Verbena Lady