
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cinnamon Spice Ornaments!

I got these two cute cinnamon spice ornaments the other night at the master gardener holiday gala!  Cindy who blogs at Texas Tufa and A Daily Life asked for the recipe earlier.  So here it is:

Cinnamon Spice Ornaments

Prep time: 30 minutes
Bake time: 40 minutes or 1-2 days air drying
Recipe makes 12-15 ornaments

3/4 cup applesauce
1-4.12 oz. bottle ground cinnamon
(You can substitute a portion of the cinnamon with ground ginger,
allspice, ground cloves, etc.)
1-2 Tbs. white glue to start

cookie cutters
cookie sheet (use an old one that you won't use for food again)
drinking straw
ribbon or string
plastic wrap
rolling pin
parchment paper to line cookie sheets
disposable gloves

1.  Mix applesauce and white glue with spices to form a stiff dough.  (Don't add all of the glue at once.  Drizzle a little glue at a time until dough reaches right consistency, not too wet, or crumbly.)

2.  Place the dough between two sheets of plastic wrap.  With rolling pin flatten dough to 1/4" thickness.  Remove top sheet of plastic wrap and cut dough with cookie cutters.  Move ornament to cookie sheet with a spatula.  Cut holes for ribbon with the drinking straw.  Bake at 200 degrees until ornaments slightly darken, about 40 minutes; place on rack to cool.  You can also air dry for 1-2 days; turn ornaments occasionally to prevent warping!  NOT EDIBLE!

We had a cookie table the other night for dessert and someone thought extra unwrapped ornaments were cookies!  Not good!  They may look good enough to eat, but don't do it!  Hope you can make some for the holidays!


  1. Thanks for the recipe. My sweetie had been given one from a young friend of ours years ago. Still has it hanging in his truck. Does not have any scent (good or bad) and still there.

  2. You're welcome! You could maybe refresh it with some cinnamon essential oil if you wanted!

  3. Thank you for the recipe. I used to have some of these when I was a kid & loved them. I'll have to make some this week.

  4. awww so cute:) i have made these before and just love love love them:) yes a spritz of cinnamon (or any other scent really) and they will smell lovely again:) we made these in minature for one of those mini trees on year. fun! have a merry monday nancy:)
    thoughtful of you to share the recipe:)

  5. Trying to share as many Xmas items as possible before the big day! Glad you all like the choice.


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