
Monday, December 7, 2009

Teasel Teddy Bear Ornament!

I know I haven't updated that project from last year.  I'll get to it eventually!  I promise!  It's on my list.  This is a very cute project and hopefully, you have some teasels in a field near you.  Here is a bear in pieces.

This photo is kind of dark, but hopefully you get the idea.

Teasel Teddy Bear

Here is the material list:

6 teasels:  3" long for body; 1-1/2" long for head; 1-1/2" long for arms; 2" long for legs; 2 tiny teasels (or briers) for ears; 3 peppercorns for eyes and nose, ribbon, wire for hanging and dried material for bouquet and glue gun.  You will need protective gloves!  These things hurt!


1.  Lightly trim off top spikes of all teasels except ears.  Cut off all stems of teasels.  Blunt end of teasel body in seat of bear.
2.  Trim 1" indentation on side of each leg and arm teasel at blunt end to fit to appropriately trimmed 1" indentation on body.
3.  Glue on legs and arms and hold to set glue.  Trim indentation on head for neck and ears.  Glue head to body, ears to head.  Add the eyes and the nose.
4.  After dried, loop wire around head and body and make loop to hang on tree.
5.  Make bow and glue to front of bear and make a bouquet of dried flowers or a bowl from an acorn top and dried flowers and glue to arm or arms of bear.

Hope you have some extra time to make one of these charming characters!


  1. Oh my gosh. How adorable is that. I have a collection of teddy bears and am a crafter, but alas, no teasels. This is sweet as can be.

    Thanks for sharing how to make this. I am saving this for future reference.


  2. Glad you like it. We made it for a fundraiser one Christmas. It was obviously a big hit! Thanks for stopping by FlowerLady!

  3. absolutely adorable nancy:) thank you for sharing! i hope i get a chance to look for some teasel! filling this away for sure xoxoxo
    i love using natural materials!

  4. I had never heard of teasels. Looked them up and I like them. Probably too hot here. The closest I could get would be a thistle.

  5. I love using natural materials also, Leslie!

    Thistles may work Cindy.

    He is cute, Martha! Thanks everyone for stopping by!

  6. This teasel Teddy Bear is ADORABLE! My mom used to make the little Hedgehogs in calico bonnets and aprons, but I've never seen a teddy bear like this. Thank you for sharing. I have to show my mom!

  7. Oh, little hedgehogs with calico bonnets and aprons! They sound way cool also! Hope you and your mom enjoy them!


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