
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gardening Pickup Sticks!

I'm not getting the time I need to blog.  So you will just have to wait for my update on last year's project!  When we moved the kids around yesterday, we had to sort out the gardening sticks.  I know, I know.  I just remember playing pickup sticks for hours when I was young!  If you store items correctly now, you don't have to worry in the spring when you are trying to get plants staked and can't find the right size stake.  OK, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Stay tuned for my update!  Hope you are staying warm or cool wherever you may be!


  1. I admit to harping at the hubby about organizing now so we can find things later. Does the phrase "banging my head against a brick wall" sound familiar?

    I used to love to play pickup sticks though.

    Thanks so much for coming by to check in!

  2. It was funny, Jules, how that pile of sticks just reminded me of one of my favorite games growing up! Some times we are too organized around here and we can't find items, especially my items! I hope things are better with your mom. Take good care, Jules. I'll thinking about you.


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Lemon Verbena Lady