
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I Got Sidetracked! Are The Plants All Going to Fit?

Well, you are just going to have to wait for my update from last year.  We had to move the kids around inside the basement and garage so The Herbal Husband's car could fit in the garage!  This is the night blooming jasmine and it should have lost its leaves by now!  It would have been great if it were blooming!  Doesn't have enough light.  All the plants did fit!  It is amazing to me that they always do and we always seem to have more to put inside!  Probably not so good!  The scented geraniums, lavender and rosemary are all in the garage.  A very good thing!  I finally got through!  Whoo hoo!  So the Several Days of Christmas may be continue tomorrow!  Stay tuned!


  1. It's great that you have a place for these kids to hibernate. It is 79 degrees right now around 6:30 p.m. I can only imagine what it must be like to put your gardens to sleep every winter and looking forward to and planning next year's gardens.


  2. I have a smaller greenhouse this year and I got everything in and could get around. I finally got a lot of the stuff planted that I "had" to have but did not have a place to put when I bought them.

    I had a night blooming jasmine but I cut it down. It was getting too big for the space. I decided that I like (Jasminum sambac)'Maid of Orleans' for more fragrance. (It is still in a pot. LOL)

  3. I'm always worried on this day each year that we aren't going to have enough room. It somehow works each year. I think due to The Herbal Husband's planning! I always need the break and it doesn't take long before we are trying to figure out what is coming up and what needs to come out! I'm just not a heat person. I would rather be cool. Thanks for stopping by, FlowerLady!

  4. We have dreamed about having a greenhouse, but I think we would get ourselves in bigger trouble than we already have. We had a Maid of Orleans and it got quite sick and died. It was sad! I do love its fragrance, but we will just have to wait until next year. Thanks for stopping by, Cindy.

  5. oh glad they all fit in! and the car! lol i have a friend/neighbor who keeps alot of plants going all winter in an unused bedroom so he kindly offered to take a couple of mine! wasn't that sweet:) i think he deserves a honeybear for christmas;-)

  6. I visited an herb farm in West Virginia almost 20 years ago and the entire living room was plants. She had no living room furniture! It was a little weird! Just a little weird! LOL! You do have a nice neighbor. We do as well. I don't think I could give them plants though. They are more pet people! You know about pets! Thanks as always for stopping by Leslie!

  7. that would be a bit weird with the room full of plants:)


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Lemon Verbena Lady