
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Several Days of Christmas!

Not doing the 12 days nor 24, but just a few to maybe get you and me enthused about Christmas or whatever holiday you may celebrate.  We used to go all out, tree, party and decorating.  When I lived in an apartment, the tree had to be cut down to fit!   So hopefully in the next several days, I will inspire both you and I (or is it me?) to decorate and enjoy this season to be with loved ones and friends and family.  This first item is a scrapbook that was put together over 20 years by a favorite herbal author of mine and one you all should know by now, Bertha Reppert.  The Rosemary House has been in business over 40 years and, you can still buy this scrapbook if you are interested.  It is jammed packed with herbal recipes, herbal decorating and herbal tips to get in the holiday mood.  It would make a great Christmas gift for that special friend or family member.  Ho! Ho! Ho!  There is an update on a Christmas project from last year you don't want to miss tomorrow!


  1. i need the decorating bug to hit me! hopefully you will get me inspired with you surprise tomorrow:) love and hugs to you nancy it has been such a joy to meet you and enjoy your blog this year:)

  2. I've lost the decorating bug because we don't have our party anymore. Well, I should have finished this project last year and it didn't cooperate!

    So glad to have met you also, Leslie! Hopefully some day we can all meet! Wouldn't that be great?

  3. Boo hoo. I picked the rest of my beets about 1 month ago and I was so sad. Do you know that raspberry wine vinegar is soooo delicious on cooked beets. They are one of my favorites. It's also great on swiss chard, spinach and beet greens. Well, I just love vinegar. Can you tell? I hope your Thanksgiving was lots of fun. Ours was so hectic with all the wedding stuff going on but we still had to have the usual feast. About 1/2 the way through the afternoon my brain had a total crash and I just had to go off by myself for an hour to just relax. That did it...yea.

  4. We cooked the beet tops so I will have to try your suggestion, Julie. Our Thanksgiving was very quiet. I'm sure it was just too much after awhile! Good that you took some time for yourself! Thank you as always for your comments!

  5. nice tip julie:)
    and oh yes, nancy, i would just love it if we could meet xoxox

  6. i agree>3 (hope that works, it is suppose to turn into a heart when you type those two symbols)

  7. well i guess it doesn't work let me try it again lol <3

  8. nope i give up. must not work here at blogger. i am pretty sure it was the first one >3 that works on facebook! lol have you ever set up an id there nancy? tina, and the rosemary house ladies are using that site also:)

  9. I did briefly (for about 30 seconds) and a face appeared that said he wanted to be my friend. I had no idea who he was and it was sort of creepy so I declined joining. The Herbal Husband is on Facebook because of his younger nieces and nephews are on it. He has trouble figuring out who he knows and who he doesn't know. I thought that's more than I need. Maybe when I'm old and really gray!! LOL!


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Lemon Verbena Lady