
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Comfort Food on Valentine's Day!

We enjoy our comfort food when it is cold and snowy outside.  It is no different when it is Valentine's Day.  The Herbal Husband requested his favorite, corn flake crumb chicken, mashed potatoes and corn.  The chicken is a recipe I found on the box of the corn flake crumbs.  Sometimes there are the best recipes on the boxes!  Here is the original recipe:

Corn Crisped Chicken

1 cup Kellogg's Corn Flake Crumbs
1-1/2 teaspoons seasoned salt
3 pounds broiler chicken pieces, rinsed and dried
1/2 cup evaporated fat free milk
1 tablespoon margarine, melted

1.  Combine Kellogg's Corn Flake Crumbs and seasoned salt.  Dip chicken pieces in evaporated milk and coat with corn flake crumb mixture.  Place in single layer, skin side up, in shallow baking pan coated with cooking spray.  Drizzle with margarine.

2.  Bake at 350 degrees F. for 1 hour or until chicken is tender, no longer pink and juices run clear.  Do not cover pan or turn chicken while baking.

Yield:  8 servings

Here are my corrections.  Instead of seasoned salt, I used 2 teaspoons of Roastmary available through The Rosemary House.  I also used boneless, skinless chicken breast without antibiotics.  The Herbal Husband thought it was the best chicken.  He loves it! 

I remember when we were dating,  I had just finished taking a microwave cooking class.  I made him rare roast beef in the microwave.  I thought it was very good.  I found out later he liked his meat well done!  Now 22 years later, I don't even eat my roast beef rare anymore!

Well, we had to finish our Valentine's Day meal with a little red jello with whipped topping.  There is always room for Jello!  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. gosh..this looks so cozy and good..

    i am making this ...this week..

    sounds wonderful

    i'll do the corn and mashed potatoes too..and the jello!

  2. You make such wonderful dishes! I know you will enjoy it!

  3. Definitely looks lip smacking good! I thought the botany lesson on lighting was very interesting. I'm going to copy paste that to show my husband as he's a gardener plus an electrician by trade. I bet he'll get a kick out of this! Too bad he's not a blog reader. Hasn't even read mine but that's okay...he's super wonderful.

  4. Yummy! Happy belated Valentine's Day!


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