
Monday, February 15, 2010

A Room With a View?

We are getting another snowstorm and we haven't recovered from the first one!  The forecasters are calling for 4 to 8 inches more!  Well, this is the view out our bedroom window!  Spring can't come soon enough for us!  Hope you are warm and dry wherever you may be.  Talk to you later!


  1. oh no...more snow?

    maybe i shouldn't say anything...should I ?

    the weather here...77 shore winds

    CONSIDERING geting out the FAN!

    maybe I shouldn't have said it...

    sending warmth

  2. Just when I think it's time to maybe, just maybe, take out the Christmas tree a thaw comes around. It will come...after another storm tonight. 4-8" for me too!

  3. Thanks for the warmth, Kary. The forecast is a little better Alyssa, ONLY 3-5 inches now. Hope for three will probably get five cause it is really coming down at the moment! It reminds me of a good New England snow, just coming straight down! Stay warm both of you. It may be easier for Kary! LOL!

  4. It is a good thing you have a 2 story home. You will still be able to see out.

    Here is South Central Texas: Almost 70 with sun, then down to 30 at night, 50's with sun and then down to 30 at night. Front coming in on Thursay - who knows what to expect.

    At least you know what to wear each day. ;D

  5. It's getting old fast, Tufa Girl! You've had it rough this season as well! Take care!

  6. I feel bad for you who aren't use to so much snow. In OH we may be use to it, but there are still crazy drivers. Most has to do with driving to fast in the stuff. Hopefully Spring is around the corner.


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