
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Gem of Nature in the Snow!

A lot of our trees and shrubbery are taking a beating in this weather.  Our hemlock was in trouble before this snow, and now it's leaning more.  Not a good thing, but in the midst of all of that, here is this tiny precious hemlock cone.  We got more snow last night.  It has gotten to be a bad broken record.  We really aren't going to thaw until spring comes!  It can't come soon enough!  Going on an adventure this afternoon, will give you the scoop tomorrow. That's all I'm going to say!


  1. Aw I feel so bad for you guys. We have snow, but this is normal for us. What I don't like is when we get late snow and that could happen with us.

  2. Nancy, you are so sweet to feature my blog on yours. When I learn how to do that on mine I will put you on. I'm still trying to figure out this blog thing. I got a book but it's so confusing. Fiddlesticks!

  3. Well, Peggy, it is really getting long in the tooth! We haven't had this much snow in February for 17 years or so. Usually we are out of the woods by now, but it just keeps coming. I thought when Lake Erie froze over, we would lose the lake effect but that hasn't happened! It's a mess! I really I'm thinking we aren't going to thaw until March! Thanks for stopping by.

    You are very welcome Julie. I think that variety is the spice of life so I try to give my readers a lot of different choices as far as blogs go. I wish I had the time to read them more. Really I don't know half that some of these ladies do with their blogs. That's what makes it so interesting. No two blogs are the same. I have a friend in Spain that visits my blog and she says I have so many links and diversions that she gets "lost" and spends a lot of time visiting other blogs and other websites through my blog! So I'm glad I can inspire you and it is very easy to add blogs and I would be happy to help you if you need it. I love the pictures of your artwork and your family. Everyone has their own perspective and I have "met" so many cool people. It is a huge blessing! Thank you for all of your comments, Julie.

  4. ...can't wait to see the adventure...that little tiny cone is adorable....

    more later,

  5. My lips are sealed, but it was fun! xx Nancy

  6. know I LOVE Tasha Tudor...

    do you know what variety she planted....i would love to know..


  7. In the book, Tasha Tudor's Garden on page 32, it says in part, "By March, the seed should be in her possession and ready for sowing. If not -- if all her efforts to ferret out a favorite old variety fail--there's always Agway down the road. Even there she has found some treasures --she insists that Agway carries the most fragrant, most colorful sweet peas available. It was a mixed variety. No name and they were really the most prolific sweet peas we ever had. You need to get to your local Agway. I'm sure you can find them. It is still early. Well, here it really is still early! If you can't find them where you are, I will get them for you here and send them to you. xx Nancy

  8. gosh, nancy..that is so nice of you

    we don't have Agway's here...i am looking for my Tasha Gardening's here ...somewhere....

    I do have alot of Heirloom seed catalogs...maybe one of the old heirloom seeds...

    i'll check

    thanks, nancy for taking the time to do this, you're a dear

    sending a warm hug

    p.s. i just had a thought. I bet Sharon knows..I'll ask her :-)

    I'll let you know what she says


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Lemon Verbena Lady