
Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Little Wishful Thinking!

Thought I would cheer everyone up with a bouquet of daffodils from last year!  We aren't quite there yet, but they are up a little higher since the snow is gone!  Spring is just around the corner and the forecasters are talking about snow again!  They had better be wrong!  I'm off to exercise!  Hope you are enjoying your Sunday wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. Eagerly anticipating our daffodils! But, what? snow? really? I hadn't heard that! Hope it stays west of us!

  2. Well, you know those long range forecasts. Hopefully, it isn't correct! Thanks for stopping by, Nancy.

  3. Yes, wishful thinking here also. The snow has melted and I smell the earth ... spring is in the air!

  4. It is cool and damp here. Too cold to work very long outside, but warmer temperatures are coming! Thanks for stopping by, Joey@


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Lemon Verbena Lady