
Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Don't Remember Planting These!

Funny how you forget where you planted bulbs.  I just don't remember planting these crocuses in this particular spot.  It is in the front garden and there are a couple more places where they are coming up!  Senior Bulb Moment!  Hope you are dry and safe wherever you may be.  Off to exercise!  Talk to you later.


  1. I love those kind of surprises!!!!

  2. What a delightful surprise. I have those dang Senior Bulb moments too, only with other plants.

    Enjoy being able to get outside to play in your gardens.


  3. Thanks for your comments ladies! It's raining at the moment and getting soggy! I will probably have to wait to really get out and about, but spring is very near! Whoo Hoo!

  4. you mean we can't blame those moving bulbs on rodents? surely we're too young for senior moments!

  5. Oh, I have senior moments more and more often! At least that's what I'm calling them! Thanks for stopping by Daricia!

  6. That is so much fun to get those lovely surprises. I'm getting a few of those myself this year as we dug up & "dumped" many of the bulbs into pots when we moved without labeling anything. So it'll be interesting to see what keeps coming up!

  7. That's fun also! Love those surprises! Thanks for tagging me, Julie! I'll complete my post tomorrow! Too much going on today.


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Lemon Verbena Lady