
Friday, March 12, 2010

The Lure of the Herb Garden!

I couldn't stand it any longer!  My herb garden is out from all of the snow and I had to pull the first grass clumps, look for the first green (salad burnet), unflatten the plants and trim a few things (garlic chives) back before the rain starts later today.  Just as I thought in some cases, the snow kept the plants in suspended animation.  The lavenders were flattened, but the 'Nazareth' sages were pretty intact!  Hopefully everything will withstand the rain coming!  Not as much as Ivan but some creeks and streams are already flooding!  Spring is almost here!


  1. My lavender is awake! The snow fully uncovered it yesterday, although mine looks flat too! Rain coming to MA too!

  2. little tufts of green.... a real promise!

  3. Yes, Alyssa, we have a pause in the rain, but it is supposed to start again shortly. Rivers already starting to flood! Take care. Hope you are not in a flood prone area!

    Yes, Nancy, it is exciting to see green and how everything that was up before the big snow just froze in place and was OK! Nature is always amazing to me.

  4. Hurrah!

    Coming back and getting ready for YOU to lavish it with love.



  5. Yes, Sharon and I get to make a few edits before The Herbal Husband gets back if you know what I mean! ;>} Love, Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady