
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Found Some New Herbal Kids!

Never thought I would say this.  We went to Home Depot for lumber yesterday and came home with these darlings, 'Boxwood' basil.  I would say for the price run, don't walk over to your local Home Depot and see if they have some for you!  The only downside is that they can't go in the ground yet and it is always a slippery slope in our house to have too many young herbs waiting to go in the ground.  Basil especially does not like cold soil.  Hopefully, it won't be long now before we can plant these in the herb garden.  I have just the spot!

My master gardening friend gave us this mint last year and as you can see, it has come back very nicely.  Oh, it is a silver mint, moderately invasive, relative of common spearmint and doubles as an ornamental.  I have mint everywhere in the garden and have learned my lesson.  In a container is the only way to have mint in your garden!

This last darling is my name sake, lemon verbena.  An anonymous comment led me to show you how our lemon verbena weathered the winter.  It was in a south facing window and did well until an attack of white flies really brought it back to reality!   If it hadn't been attacked, it would probably be a little larger with larger leaves.  It is rebounding rather well and it will go into the ground and we will have a new little one for this pot.  It will not go out until all danger of frost is gone, mid-May or later.  Always keep your eye on a 14 day temperature trend around this time of year.  It lets you know when you can start planting those tender herbs like, basil or lemon verbena.  Going on a road trip tomorrow to buy what else, herbs!  Stay tuned.  Haven't forgotten about those Zombie Chicken Awards either, really!


  1. I will be SO HAPPY to give you a big hug and meet you in person at Kathleen's event. She knows how to throw a party and this should be a fun one.

    I am curious about the plant they called "Boxwood Basil." Could it be a calamintha?? which I love. I think in Italy it is called mentha de porcini or mentha de funghi. I've planted a border of them along my front pathway.

    Re: Spearmint. YIKES. It owns one of my garden beds, but I love it and use it in pot pourri, vacuum bags, cooking, drinks, etc. It is just too bossy.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  2. Hi Sharon,

    Yes, it is very exciting and yes, Kathleen is a wonderful herbal mentor to me and many others.

    No, it is a Ocimum basilicum and if you were here to smell it, it is clearly a basil not a calamintha.

    Yes, spearmint is out in my very front in the "heck" (Really that other word that begins with h!) strip. It is very happy there and it brings in the bees so I just try to reign it in every so often! Thanks for stopping by, dear Sharon. Won't be long now! Love, Nancy

  3. Since I work at Home Depot I had to rush out on my break today and look for the basil. I was lucky... they had two plants left. I try to get out everyday and check the plant arrivals but I"ve been under the weather lately and hadn't checked for over a week. It was definiltely a not-for-profit day at work for me.

  4. Good, Carol! Glad you could still find them! Can't wait to get them into my herb garden. Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady