
Friday, April 23, 2010

Road Trip/More Herbal Babies!

I think taking some time off has thrown me off completely.  Not as in tune with blogging as I once was!  Maybe it was the 500th post that has done it.  I have spoiled you all by blogging every day.  Hopefully, I will get back in that frame of mine soon, because I have lots of pictures to share with you of the garden.

Well, I'm still off track because this is one of my favorite herb farms in Ohio, Lily of the Valley.  They have a nice color catalog and if you are within 3 hours of the nursery, they will send you a copy.  They are located 5 miles south of Alliance and 10 miles north of Minerva.  We (my herbal companion, Bonnie and I) look forward to this visit every year.  It was in jeopardy a few years ago when they tried to sell the property.  It didn't happen!  Fortunately, for everyone it has stayed in business and produces beautiful plants every year.  So if you are in the vicinity, please go buy some wonderful herbs, annuals, perennials or Ohio native plants.  We were there early this year to take advantage of their scented geranium sale and we did not miss out on too much!  The heirloom tomatoes they grow weren't ready.  As you can see from the photo below, I didn't leave much for you too chose!  Just kidding!  Have to go help The Herbal Husband move potted plants around, including these little darlings!  Talk to you later.


  1. If you get up this far by Lake Erie, you need to let me know and we'll go to lunch!

  2. Oops, Peggy R! Was I in your area? I will let you know!

  3. Your backyard looks great. Hope the HH is getting better. I personally have suffered with every pollen blowing by this Spring. There is so much of it this year. Good to have you back. Missed you.

  4. Thanks TG! I'll get back on track eventually! The evergreens around here have twice as much pollen as usual! It is particularly bad here as well. Missed you as well. Hope the house selling/buying is going well.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady