
Thursday, May 20, 2010

If You Have Chive Blossom Flowers, Make Vinegar!

I filled a quart jar with chive blossoms yesterday and filled it with white wine vinegar.  In two weeks, it should be done.  I really like this vinegar because it imparts an mild onion flavor to salad dressings, sauces, soups and stews.  I really can't have too many raw onions any more, so this vinegar works very well for me.  Hope you had a great day wherever you are.  Talk to you later.


  1. Hi Nancy,
    Love the recipe and I am going to try that one. By the way, way back when I won the herbal note pads and you sent them to me I never wrote you back and thanked you. So, thank you. I love them. And I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I was hoping you got your note pads. I'm glad you are enjoying them. I need to get around to my fans' blogs more often! Glad you like the recipe. Hopefully, I will be doing a lot more this summer.

  3. What a fabulous idea!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  4. ..just today I was weeding around my giant chives wondering if it was too late to do anything with the blossoms. Thank you for this idea, I am heading out there tomorrow morning with clipper in hand :-)

  5. I would have never thought of that! Thanks for the tip. I'm headed outside with my scissors in hand right now!

  6. I'm glad you like the idea JAS! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady