
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We Are Having a Beautiful Spring!

The Herbal Husband took this picture the other evening.  This azalea has been blooming each spring since we moved into our house 21 years ago!  Some years better than others!  I guess the February snow had a good effect on this bush!  Planted a few perennials today.  Couldn't wait!  Hopefully they will be OK.  Will show you pictures of them soon!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be!


  1. I'm glad to see Spring in your area! I don't think ours was as pretty due to lack of snow in March.

  2. That's too bad, PeggyR. Maybe it is an off year. I think the rhodies and the azaleas are every other year great! Thanks as always for stopping by.

  3. That is lovely. Too hot and alkaline here for azaleas.

  4. Oh my, what a beautiful bush, very lovely! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing. We are still a little behind here in Co, although the lovage is already getting huge (about 15in tall), almost ready to harvest some ;-)
    Have a great day!

  5. It has the cascading look this year. You can grow camellias though TG that we can't grow! Thanks for stopping by as always TG!

    Our lovage is bigger as well. I'll have a post about the angelica. You won't believe it! Thanks for stopping by, Tammy. Nancy

  6. That is so beautiful next to the bird bath!!

  7. Thanks Missy! It smells good as well. A bonus. Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady