
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A New Favorite Blue Flower from Argentina!

The Herbal Husband brought seeds back from Peru for this chicory like plant from Argentina.  The flowers open in the morning and close by the afternoon.  It took several attempts to get them to cooperate.  Not too much of an early riser!  Should be because of the heat, but when you wake up at 3 or 4 AM and can't get back to sleep!  Early is not as doable!  So we didn't get to try this in a salad because it quickly went to flower!  Hope you have had a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later!


  1. That is a beautiful blue! Will it come back from the root or will you have to save the seeds for next year?

  2. I think we will have to save seeds, TG! Hope we remember! Some times the seeds just germinate on their own! Thanks as always for stopping by.

  3. i have always loved those blue chicory flowers...i think they grow along the roadsides out here in california...

    happy to see you at farmhouse

    i am in the mood for dill...being august and all


  4. Yes, dear Kary, dill and August go together! Thanks for stopping by! xx Nancy

  5. Beautiful Blue ! We love blue flowers here. The more the merrier!


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