
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tricolore Salad Reminds Me of London!

You say, but Lemon Verbena Lady, you have lost what's left of your mind!  Well, certain food we eat during the day reminds me of places on our trips.  For instance, fruit salad reminds me of Boston.  Because every morning we woke up at our bed and breakfast in Boston, we had a fruit salad to share.  We have had that tradition at breakfast ever since.

So this tradition started in London many years ago.  There is a little Italian restaurant in the neighborhood where we stay that is very good called O' Sole Mio.  They have a tricolore salad that can be shared and is very fresh.  We hold our breath each year that it is still open when we go back because restaurants come and go so quickly!  The Herbal Husband makes ours with feta cheese instead of mozzarella and adds black olives for me.  How much more summery can you get then with a nasturtium flower to decorate it?  Hope you have a great day wherever you may be!  Rain on the garden this morning and our grass is growing like a field!  The Township will be after me!  Maybe I'll mow tomorrow!  More jelly to make!  Talk to you later!


  1. It was really yummy, Peggy! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh yum! My kind of salad...and you are so right...foods can so often hold precious memories. I can feel my Grammy's presence so strongly when there is a homemade cherry pie around. And any pasta dish...10 days in Tuscany (2001)

    Have a good weekend.

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Pat! Glad I gave you good memories! Have a good weekend as well!


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Lemon Verbena Lady