
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Almost Missed This Blooming!

'Lord Baltimore' hibiscus
And you're saying to yourself, she must be preoccupied with other garden matters to have almost missed this!  It's something like that!  This is a hardy hibiscus named 'Lord Baltimore'.  He is much less boisterous than in the past.  He is the last one to wake up in the spring and you may think you have lost it.  It gets hibiscus sawfly worms and I have fun smashing them!  I'm glad to see the Lord blooming.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.  Check out the updated shots of the blooming rosemary in my Sunday, August 22nd post!


  1. The "Lord" is looking regal! I've missed alot of blooms this year for one reason or another. Guess I need to pay closer attention.

  2. How fun to know Lord Baltimore is root hardy for you way up there! He is stunning.

  3. The heat really ramped up our blooming this year, Carol.

    TG, it is fun to see it come up every season.

    Thanks so much ladies for stopping by.

  4. he is just a lucious color nancy!! xxxx

  5. Amazing, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by, Leslie. xxx Nancy


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