
Saturday, August 14, 2010

And The Winners Are....!

The Herbal Husband drew the lucky names out of my Greek cheese making basket!  Here they are:

Aunt Helen's Garden by Ernestine Perry  Carol
Calendar of a Kitchen Herb Garden by Katherine W. Wilbert   Carla
Herbal Notepad--Things I really should do before I can work in my herb garden ...  Jules@OneBook Shy
Gardening with Herbs for Flavor and Fragrance by Helen Morgenthau Fox  Becca's Dirt
Growing and Using Rosemary by Bertha Reppert  taylorsoutback
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record-Handbook on Herbs and Their Ornamental Uses, March 1977  seanymph

I'll get around and leave a winning comment for you and then you need to e-mail me your mailing address. I'll get everything packed up and in the mail on Monday!  Thanks so much everyone for participating and reading my blog.  I love you all!  You make my life very special!


  1. What fun! I am babying my potted rosemary plants - one of my favorite cooking herbs. I will be in touch via email later today!
    Thank you Nancy! & Also thanks to your Herbal Husband for drawing my name!!

  2. Thank you so much! I love herb books and dont have this one so Im sure Ill enjoy it. :)

  3. I glad you don't have this one, seanymph! I think you will enjoy it!

  4. Oh I do love a contest and I do love herbs, so congratulations to the winners. Actually I won a set of herb garden pasta plates a few days ago so I can not complain! I posted a photo of the gorgeous plates on my blog.
    This is my first visit here.

  5. Wow I can't believe I won. Thank you sweetie. I know I will enjoy this book and learn a lot.

    my address is Rebecca Williamson, 7795 E. South St. Citronelle, AL 36522. my email is

  6. Thanks Terra for stopping by and those plates are pretty special, herbally speaking!

    The package will be on its way tomorrow, Becca! congrats!

  7. Thank you so much! I received my darling notepad yesterday. It's perfect for around here :)


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady