
Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't Do This At Your House!

This is my work table in the basement.  How do you work at this table?  I just throw herbs and products on the table to be dealt with later!  Not a good way to operate!  I think we visited this subject last year or maybe the year before.  It's a reoccurring theme!  It actually looks better than this already.  I'll post a picture of it slightly cleaned up!

Looking a little better, I think!  Hope you comment to win a book or notepad in my two year anniversary giveaway!  We have the ickies and stickies back again.  It gives me a headache to think about it!  Was at Gardenline this morning on my own.  Always an interesting process.  I actually had some answers this morning.  Some weeks not so much!  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be on the planet.  Talk to you later!


  1. Your warning is too's already been done and redone. No mater how hard I try things just seem to naturally pile up.

  2. It looks like my dining room table....

  3. so reassuring to learn i am not the only one! lol i have different projects always stacked here and there. i try to confine them to my den but... they sneak out sometimes! lol good job working ont he gardenline nancy! that rocks! herbal and honey hugs to you dear:)

  4. Sorry, Carol! Will try to be earlier next time! It is a perennial problem here or maybe just the way I operate.

    The Herbal Husband wouldn't let that happen on our dining room! He enjoys food too much. Thanks for stopping by, Denise.

    You know me long enough Leslie! Sometimes I wish we had just one more room! Gardenline is fun when I know the answers. I even had an herb question today! That's always great! Herbal hugs back to you!

    Thanks ladies for your comments!

  5. Looks like the chaos of creativity to me.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  6. Oh MY GOSH - for a moment I thought you posted a photo of my house. ha. when I actually work on organizing things I have a harder time finding them....reality NOT an excuse. Emily

  7. LOL my work table looks like that many times especially if I have more then one project going on!

  8. Thanks Sharon!

    That happened at the law firm I used to work at. My boss would lose a paper on his desk and I would have to find it. I usually did!

    You have a lot on your table at the moment, Peggy!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  9. Your creative space looks very comfortable - one we can each feel at home in...I could give you a little competition with a view of my sewing room!!
    It is warm and humid here too - but cooler days are on the way this weekend...will send them on to you.

  10. I just spotted your comment. Cooler days are coming! Thanks for sending them our way!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady