
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

When It's Hot I Go to Phipps Conservatory!

A Hot Landscape at Phipps Conservatory!
I took my friend, Miss C, for our annual visit to Phipps!  She is my best friend's daughter, the one who won her science fair with the seed growing project.  We had a great time, but my, was it hot!  We toured inside and then had a little lunch and finished in the outside gardens.  In the end it was a good plan because by the time we got outside it was really hot!  Have I mentioned it was hot yet!  Here are some photos from our visit:

The Butterfly Garden
We visited the Children's Discovery Garden of which the Butterfly Garden is a part.

Monarda 'Jacob Kline'
Phipps has lots of herbs sprinkled in the Discovery Garden for children like the Monarda above.  It is one of the best edible flowers, spicy flowers and leaves.  Is used in tea blends.
Gargoyles in the Garden
Gargoyles are the theme this season.  Here are some hanging out in the garden landscape.

The interesting Vanilla Orchid

I never remember that vanilla comes from an orchid.  Every time we go to Phipps, I have to remind myself that it is an orchid.
The 50 year Agave Bloomed!

This is the remains of the agave bloom.  It actually snapped off in a storm and they duct taped it together.  Here is the base of the plant.
So Huge It Needs Two Photos to See It!

Phipps Herb Garden
Of course, we had to end up in the herb garden.  It was a hot one, but very neatly trimmed.  Very lovely.  Hope you have a public garden like Phipps to visit.  Miss C and I are off to the zoo next week.  Yikes, forgot about the awards.  Got to get that together tomorrow!  Stay tuned!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Don't forget to enter my anniversary giveaway!  Talk to you later.


  1. Lovely photos -- but my lands -- it is hot here too!

  2. It isn't going to end for awhile either, Martha. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Looks like an enjoyable outing even in the heat. It's miserable here too.

  4. I wish it was over, Carol. It looks like it is going to be around for awhile. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. why did i think you were gardening in colorado, i wonder?? you have all sorts of nice herb gardens close by in pennsylvania, i bet. thanks for braving the heat showing us the conservatory!

  6. Gorgeous place to visit! I'm still Anonymous from Sunday...I'll soon figure out how to have a "name"! It's really hot here in TX also; but I'll take heat over cold any day! I looked at the website about herbs for pasture animals...lots of good info there. I think what I'm most interested in is getting together a nice herbal wormer for my llamas and chickens. Will keep checking your blog!

  7. Ok! From now on I'm not Anonymous...I now have a name. That wasn't so hard!

  8. Hi Daricia, The herb gardens are all around but there are lots east of here. Thanks for stopping by.

    Hi llamamama, Great name. Glad you liked the website I gave you. Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady