
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Guest Blogging for The Herb Companion Magazine and An Herbal Timeout!!

My Variegated Herbal Corner of My Garden!
Sometimes you get to the end of summer and you can't think about your design for the next season.  My latest guest blog for The Herb Companion magazine will hopefully give you inspiration for next year.  It's called Designing Your Garden with Herb Vignettes.
An Herbal Timeout!
I know some of you have just started to follow my blog and others have been reading me for a while now, but I need a little break!  I have been blogging almost every day for quite a while.  Loved every minute of it, but just need an herbal timeout!  I'm leaving The Herbal Husband behind to take care of the garden.  He is my herbal rock.  Trust me I'm a spoiled herbalist!  We don't usually take a break this time of year.  Too much goes on!  I'm off to England for ten days and I promise to have lots of brilliant adventures to share with you when I return.  I don't multitask too well like others we know, Taylor's Outback blogging from laundry rooms in Alaska!  So talk amongst yourselves and I will be back before you know it!  Talk to you soon!  Cheers!


  1. Have a great trip! I find it hard to blog daily too. I just blog when I feel inspired by something. Im sure you will have lots of stories when you get back. :)

  2. Have a grand time in England and you will be refreshed and bursting with words to share upon your return.
    I aim to post twice a week, which makes blogging fun for me; no way every day.

  3. I hope you have a fabulous holiday.I can't wait to hear about your adventures. I'll be here when you return. Blessings...Mary

  4. I am such a green eyed fairy, Nancy! I so hope to go to England someday... But, I am thrilled for you to be going again:) Looking forward to all the pictures you will share.
    Good article! Most assuredly the mint family and the comfrey needs lots of room to itself:) reminds me of your battle with tansy:)
    Have a fabulous trip and be safe! We will miss you but keep the herbal hearth fires burning for you:)

  5. Have a great trip and come home all refreshed and ready to thrill us with the tails of your adventures. Now I'm off to check out your article

  6. Have a great trip and come home all refreshed and ready to thrill us with the tails of your adventures. Now I'm off to check out your article

  7. Oh - not fair! You are taking my Bucket List Dream trip - Oh to be in England...have a fabulous time & look forward to hearing all about your trip & seeing photos! Could you post from an English herbal garden??!!Perhaps a sweet little potting shed??!!
    Take care...
    Pat in Palmer, Alaska

  8. Have a fabulous trip.

    On a completely different topic. When I asked you about your raspberry plant I seemed to have it in my head that you lived in TX. Silly me. Not sure how I got that in my head. Thanks for the link with the Texas info.

    Again, Have a fabulous trip.

  9. Have a wonderful trip! Stay safe.


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Lemon Verbena Lady