
Monday, August 30, 2010

A Shy Monarch and Another Butterfly Hanging Around!

The Herbal Husband has left a lot of stray butterfly bushes around my herb garden!  The butterflies are enjoying the extra nectar!  I don't think this one in the bottom photo is a monarch.  Will have to get my butterfly book and check!  It is very hot here for the end of August.  Although I remember going back to school in the heat when I was young!  Hope you had a great day wherever you may be!  Talk to you later.


  1. Happy Birthday (belated - sorry)! Your garden is still looking good!

  2. Thanks, TG! The Herbal Husband is watering!

  3. Butterfly bushes are so pretty; I want to buy one that is almost black flowered, and a yellow one.

  4. We have one called 'Black Knight' in the back garden and we did have the gold one briefly. It isn't hardy for us! It would be for you! Lucky you! Thanks for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady