
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Herbal Fruit Salad!

We always start our day with a fruit salad of some kind.  Sometimes it is a fruit cup from a plastic container, but most times we have fresh fruit.  We are having great blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and papaya.    I have been adding some young  pineapple sage leaves chopped up lately!  Adds a little herbal spice to the fruit.  Not so much pineapple, but that sage flavor.  It is very delicious!  Try it if you are growing pineapple sage.  Ours is just getting started.  So use small, young leaves!  Hope you enjoy it!  It was a beautiful day here.  Hope you had a great day!  Talk to you later!

Just wanted to give Missy from Little Messy Missy  a photo of pineapple sage.  Here it is Missy:
Pineapple Sage Flowers Bring The Hummingbirds!


  1. I have never heard of pineapple sage. I would love to see a picture of it.

  2. Looks delicious! I had pineapple sage but I think I let it dies beyond hope of revival while my MIL was in hospital. Oh well, there is always next year.

  3. Maybe I should proof read more often.

  4. Yum yum:) pineapple sage:) i love fruit for breakfast also:) hugs

  5. Just found your blog tonight through Peggy's...and it's wonderful!! Too bad you live on the other side of PA (I'm in Philly). I would love to see your garden for myself!! Hugs--

  6. Your wish is my command, Missy! I'll upload a photo for you in a little while.

    I wish we had an edit button on our comments as well, Carol. Pineapple can be fragile and does need water to get it established.

    Thanks Leslie for your yums! You always cheer me up.

    Thanks for stopping by Heather! I can't seem to get any visitors to the garden! It's always work, work, work! Maybe some day!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  7. See, Carol, I need an edit button as well. My comment should be:

    Pineapple sage can be fragile and does need water to get it established.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady