
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Not Summer Without....

Sweet corn and a bit of herb butter!  My dental floss is working overtime these days!  The corn has been delicious.  I think this is Silver Queen, not quite as sweet as Butter and Sugar which we have also been eating.  Here is my favorite herb butter recipe:

Herbal Butter
1/2 c. (1 stick) of butter or margarine, softened
1/2 t. lemon juice
3 T. fresh herbs, chopped (your choice) (I usually use 1 T. parsley, 1 T. marjoram and 1 T. rosemary.)
1 clove of garlic, pressed (You don't have to add this to have a good herb butter.  The garlic just adds an additional layer of flavor.)

Finely chop herbs and mix into softened butter, add other ingredients.  Put in a covered container.  Refrigerate for 24 hours before using.  Herb butter may be kept refrigerated for two weeks or frozen for up to six months.  Put butter on vegetables, pasta, fish, meat, poultry, bread, etc.
Courtesy of  Spring and Summer Sampler, p. 10.

Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Made two batches of lemon basil jelly.  Going to the Zoo tomorrow with Miss C!  Will have some photos tomorrow!  Talk to you later!


  1. LOL about the dental floss. I know what you mean though. For now I take it off the cob for Norm and I kind of like it that way better!

  2. I love the comment you leave on my blog~You are too funny! Oh, and that corn is making me hungry!!! Yumm-o! I'm heading to the Farmer's Market tomorrow!!!

  3. Yes, I would rather have it off the cob as well, Peggy! Glad you are doing OK!

    I just can't figure out how you got that beach picture of me! Ha! Will needs a corn on the cob or two!

    Thanks for stopping by, ladies!

  4. oh...that corn looks so good...and lemon basil jelly..yum yum

    so happy to see you at farmhouse today, my friend

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  5. Not quite as picturesque as your photos, but I'm glad you and Teddy could stop by the herb garden! xxoo Nancy

  6. We did not plant corn this year... thanks for sharing the recipe I will have to go to my neighbors and trade him eggs for some corn..hehehehehe.

  7. That's a great idea, Missy! I love fresh eggs! Thanks for coming by!

  8. Im always in such a hurry when making dinner that I never think to make an herb butter for the corn. I have to remember this.

    And the book arrived in todays mail. Thank you! :) Ill be sitting down to look at it tonight.

  9. I forgot to add....that any leftover corn, I scrape off the cob for another nite. I cook it in cream, half and half or even milk if thats all I have, until its almost evaporated. I add chopped chives while cooking. We just love it.

  10. It is so easy to do and so delicious! Hmmm! That creamed corn sounds wonderful! Glad the book arrived safely. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by seanymph!

  11. Yummy! I am copying this right now. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady