
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Herbal Husband Wanted You to See This!

I take so many photos and I know a lot of them are on the cutting room floor.  I forget that they exist or I try to give you the same photo and call it a new one!  The Herbal Husband was playing in the dirt the other day and asked that I take a photo.  Well, here is some finished compost.  If you aren't composting, you should be unless there are ordinances against it where you live.  If you are doing compost correctly, it never smells.  Here is a compost link from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.  They used a Rodale source.  So I think it is pretty good.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Got to get to the post office with my winners' prizes.  Becca, I still need your mailing address.  E-mail it to me!  Talk to you later!


  1. I don't compost and I know I should. It always sounds so difficult.

  2. Hi lifeshighway! Compost is easy. If we can do it, you can too! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. And I thought I was the only one to take pictures of buckets of dirt.LOL! I was so proud of my composting effort years ago... I took a picture and mailed it to family. They just laughed... cause I was the kid that did everything she could to get out of gardening. Thankfully I learned in spite of myself.

  4. I learned in spite of myself as well, Carol. We do have a strange and wonderful life! Thanks as always for stopping by!

  5. First his Figs! Now his Compost. He is becoming an Herbal Exhibitionist! Lovely Compost by-the-by. Yup we are composting here. Two piles. I even get stuff to throw in the pile from a friend - that makes it double good. And photos - well I must admit I have photos of my truck full of manure. My truck with barrels in the back. I am sure there are a few others I just can't think of. So your photo of compost is great! Emily

  6. Oooh! A new name for The Herbal Husband! Compost is the best! Pretty good looking cat as well! Through photos is the only way I can enjoy cats! Thanks for stopping by, Emily!

  7. i agree with herbal hubby that your own great compost is definetely blog worthy! hugs

  8. He works really hard so he deserves at least a couple of posts a season! LOL! Thanks for stopping by Leslie. A great big hug for you!


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Lemon Verbena Lady